Thursday, December 11, 2014

Ignorance or False impression makes the Wicked folks to Think they can do whatever they want and getaway with Others especially the Born Again Christians or the seed of Abraham, Not realizing that they are making a grave mistake by messing up with the Apple of GOD's Eye, attracting GOD's Wrath on them [Galatians 3:29, 6:7-8], [Zechariah 2:8]. True Christians or CHURCH represents GOD directly on earth by being a Blessing and channels of Blessing for the whole world by walking in Divine: Love, Kindness, Forgiveness, Knowledge, Wisdom and Peace for all, which is the will of GOD [Genesis 12.2-3]. So, Friends Take advantage of them. Welcome them to be Blessed. Celebrate them. Copy them. Treat them the way you want to be Treated. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.

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