Wednesday, December 10, 2014

GOD/BIBLE Warns those who Reject GOD thinking 'I know better' as 'Professing themselves to be wise they became fools' [Romans 1.22]. Beloved, our: Post graduations, Doctorates or whatever worldly qualifications are less than nothing in the sight of GOD who created and keeping us and those Trillions and Trillions of Galaxies out there in space; each having its own Trillions and Trillions of stars; by HIS Word [Psalms 33.6]. GOD calls them by their names [Psalms 147.4]. And GOD says 'Worldly Wise' as 'Ever learning and Never able to come to the knowledge of TRUTH/GOD' [2 Timothy 3.7]. Remember, Greatest Discovery in Our LIFE is knowing GOD personally [Romans 10.9-10]. Wake up. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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