Friday, February 27, 2015

Good man is a Dead man; why, because they can't SIN or React anymore [Romans 6.7]. Beloved, NO one can Truly follow JESUS without Denying their Self; You can't have/serve two Masters at the same time [Matthew 6.24]. When one is in Christ he/she is a New Creation why? because their old Self is DEAD, No more us but HIM/CHRIST lives in us [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Many of us Love to bear fruits but Hate to be Sown in the ground. How often WE break people's heart without even realizing by our Swift: Selfish, Hateful, Careless and Irresponsible: Words, Deeds and Body language; Not Realizing that, they are also like us in: Tears, Pains and Sorrows. Please STOP it my friend. Remember, JESUS said: Love others, Accept others, Bear one another's Burden, Go an Extra mile.. why? Because a true Christian is a Transition Person. He/she is the Hope to the Hopeless. We are called to be the SALT and LIGHT, we should Preserve and give Taste. We should Guide and Lead people out of Darkness to JESUS. So, my brother, my sister in CHRIST Please try to Be Different, be the CHANGE you want to see in others. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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