Thursday, October 12, 2017

Most common DECEPTION is 'I have plenty of TIME to LIVE'. So, i can Drink, Dance and Do whatever I want until my Retirement or Old age, then I can Turn to GOD/BIBLE and put things in order, shortly before I Die! If this is YOU, Don't be DECEIVED. WE all live a Most Unexpected Life, Not knowing what our Next moment would be. Yesterday is Gone. Tomorrow is not Guaranteed. Only Today we have. So be: SAVED, Baptized, Sanctified, Fruit Bearing and Prepared for Departure before You Lose your Right to Choose or Close your eyes in DEATH [Romans 10.9], [Revelation 3.20]. Because DEATH is Not the end of our Existence but Transition into Eternity either to Heaven if Believed in GOD/BIBLE Now or of course into Hell and there is NO other option left [Daniel 12.3]. So, Wake up, CHANGE. Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE Now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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