Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Pain you go through when in CHRIST is not meant for your Destruction but Construction, to bring the Best out of You for your Eternity in Heaven [1 Timothy 6.12-14]. In PAIN: WE Seek GOD, TRUTH. We: Learn, Understand, Change to: Perform, Produce, Achieve great things but in PLEASURE, we go: Deaf, Dumb, Blind; Losing our: Image, Savings, Dignity and Destiny [2 Samuel 16.12], [Psalms 119.71]. Enviable Worldly: Positions, Possessions, Power are DECEPTIONS in Disguise, which will drain you out of all your Time and Talents, leaving you with NO Time, Strength,. or Energy for: GOD, Family, Friends and Saving Souls. That's why JESUS/BIBLE says we cannot Serve two Masters [Matthew 6.24]; What is highly esteemed in men's sight is an Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15]; Friendship with world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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