Tuesday, June 19, 2018

'YOU have plenty of time to LIVE' - is the Convincing, Positive, Encouraging; Old and Standard LIE of the devil, saying - Now you are very: young, healthy, smart, earning, influential,.; So, Enjoy life; Drink, Dance, Do whatever you please... Don't be shy, No one will ever know, life is just only once, Everyone does it. So, don't worry now! GOD/BIBLE, Salvation, Baptism, Sanctification, Fruit bearing; Now? Are you mad? Those are for very Old and Sick folks but You have a L...O...N...G way to go, so Enjoy and Relax now. Later once you have Enjoyed all the Worldly Pleasures and become very old, you can always Do what GOD/BIBLE says, who is going to stop you then?'- Beloved, Wake up. Don't be DECEIVED. Yesterday is Gone. Tomorrow is not Guaranteed. Only Today we have. So be SAVED now [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

WE are, WE can be, WE will be; in the STORM But Don't let the Storm get in You [John 17.16]. 'Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you think, talk and do flows from it', says GOD [Proverbs 4.23]. We cannot change our life until we change our thinking, thoughts because our thoughts are very powerful; they steer our life into greatness or fall. 'As one believes is he' says GOD/BIBLE [Proverbs 23.7], [Psalms 109.17]. Thoughts are pictures of mind developed by our imaginations that have constructive or destructive possibilities and have power over our emotions, feelings [Genesis 6.5]. Thoughts are like Seeds which can Grow in your Heart [Matthew 6.25]. They affect and control our emotions [Genesis 45.26], [Psalms 119.165]. So, STOP Believing in You but GOD, HE Did it before, HE will Do it again [Hebrews 11.6], [Matthew 9.29]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Those the LORD, GOD Uses Most, Devil attacks the Most [Luke 22,31-32]. [James 1.12], [2 Corinthians 11,25-28]. GOD says: 'Do not Fear' [Isaiah 41.10] why, because GOD is BIGGER than our Problems. 'Come unto me, I will give you Rest' [Matthew 11.28] Why, because GOD only has it. 'I will not send away Anyone' [John 6.37] why, because GOD is LOVE. 'To caste our burdens upon GOD' [1 Peter 5.7] why, because HE cares for us. 'Do not worry about tomorrow' [Matthew 6.34] why, because GOD only designs it. 'Do not worry about Anything' [Philippians 4.6] why, because GOD can: Revive, Resurrect or Re-Create Anything. So, Turn your TEARS of: Pain, Sorrow, Hopelessness into tears of JOY by simply by Believing in GOD's Promises and continue Trusting in GOD. Remember, GOD is ABLE [Job 42.2] and GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice. Share,

DO What You Can with what You Have, until Others recognize that you are a GOD Ground, Good ground and partner with you, to Spread the Gospel and Glorify GOD through Partnership and Oneness of Mind [Acts 2.42-47]. Wake up beloved, We are Not going to be here Forever [James 4.14]. So, Never WAIT until Your Near: Retirement, Disability or Death to Work for GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], to Earn Eternal Rewards [John 6.27-29], Or to Heap Eternal Treasures [Matthew 6.19-20]. So, remember GOD and DO the: Right, Good things when GOD has given you Good: Health, Strength and Sound Mind [Matthew 5.16]. FYI, this Opportunity may not be there forever. So, Never Waste Your :Time, Talent, Treasures, on less and unimportant things. Someday Everyone, Everything will leave you. So, Prioritize things, Now. Achieve, Accomplish; Every day. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.