DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
NO worldly: Education, Skill, Position, Possession, Power, Name,.. or Fame can take You or Anyone to Heaven but LORD JESUS, my friend [Acts 4.12], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 3.20], [John 3.16]. Beloved, Your worldly: Qualifications and Accomplishments will Never make you Happy on your Death bed when you are leaving this world whereas your walk with GOD will always [Ecclesiastes 12.1], [Isaiah 66.2], [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.20]. My brother, my sister and my dear friend this Worldly life is just for a moment when compared to Eternity in Heaven or Hell which is Forever. So, Never compromise or Lose your Eternity in Heaven for this temporary pleasures of this life like some Illegitimate: Sex, Money, Leisure time or whatever on earth for an Awesome and Amazing Never Ending Life in Heaven Without: Tears, Pain, Sorrows and Death [John 16.33], [Revelation 21.4]. So, Wake up. CHANGE your PRIORITIES to Seek GOD and DO HIS Will, in order to Enjoy all, what GOD/BIBLE has Promised [Matthew 7.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Good man is a Dead man; why, because they can't SIN or React anymore [Romans 6.7]. Beloved, NO one can Truly follow JESUS without Denying their Self; You can't have/serve two Masters at the same time [Matthew 6.24]. When one is in Christ he/she is a New Creation why? because their old Self is DEAD, No more us but HIM/CHRIST lives in us [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Many of us Love to bear fruits but Hate to be Sown in the ground. How often WE break people's heart without even realizing by our Swift: Selfish, Hateful, Careless and Irresponsible: Words, Deeds and Body language; Not Realizing that, they are also like us in: Tears, Pains and Sorrows. Please STOP it my friend. Remember, JESUS said: Love others, Accept others, Bear one another's Burden, Go an Extra mile.. why? Because a true Christian is a Transition Person. He/she is the Hope to the Hopeless. We are called to be the SALT and LIGHT, we should Preserve and give Taste. We should Guide and Lead people out of Darkness to JESUS. So, my brother, my sister in CHRIST Please try to Be Different, be the CHANGE you want to see in others. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Focus on the Teachings of JESUS and Not on the Teachers of JESUS, my friend. Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets and Teachers are Not Replacement for GOD [Ephesians 4.11]. Love them, Honor them but STOP Idolizing them and get Disappointed/Deceived in the end. NO ONE is PERFECT, always remember this. They are also mere men like you and I; with their own weakness and wickedness, flaws and shortcomings; so Focus on JESUS/BIBLE, to: Learn, Apply and Improve [Jeremiah 33.3], [Romans 12.2], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Beloved, Teachers are just Starters and Guides; they can't sit for Exams on your behalf. You must DO it yourself, so You must be thorough with your Text book/BIBLE. Listening at school/Church alone, at times May Not even get you a Pass or a Great score, so you Must work hard and study the BIBLE at home as well. Remember, GOD/BIBLE Warns, 'Don't be DECEIVED, Be ye not only Hearers of the Word/BIBLE but DOERS as well [James 1.22]. So, Wake up. Find time for YOU, to Read, Study, Understand and Apply GOD's Word/BIBLE in Life before too late, because that only will decide Where and How YOU will spend your Eternity, once You are DEAD and gone; either in HEAVEN as GREAT/small or in HELL. So, PLEASE Know and DO what BIBLE says from Right Now, for Your own GOOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
JESUS said 'Follow me' HE never said follow your: Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets or Teachers but HIM [Matthew 4.19] why? because They/WE are all human beings, NO one is Perfect; we all have our own Flaws and Shortcomings. WE keep Learning, Applying and Improving until the End, that's all, its an ongoing process until we DIE. Remember, Even apostle Paul prayed thrice to remove that thorn from him, GOD said HIS Grace was sufficient for him [2 Corinthians 12.9]. So, don't Expect too much from men of GOD or don't follow Anyone but BIBLE/JESUS, so that you Won't be Disappointed. Godly Men are there to: Gather you [Evangelists], Govern you [Apostles], Guard you [Pastors], Guide you [Prophets] and Garnish you [Teachers] but they are Not Replacement for GOD, always remember that, so that NO one can Shake you or Shock you but Remind you, what GOD said 'DON'T Follow Men' [Job 7.11], [Psalms 14.3], [Ecclesiastes 7.20], [Ephesians 4.11]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Ignorance about: GOD/BIBLE and GOD's: LOVE and POWER is the root cause for all kinds of: Depression, Disappointment, Deception and Eternal Death whereas Knowledge about HIM is the only Key behind Priceless Divine: Love, Joy, Peace,. and Eternal LIFE [Hosea 4.6], [John 3.16]. WE are not what we SEE outside but we are: Treasure Carriers in earthen vessels, Walking Wonders, Crown of all GOD's Creations; Created in the very Image and Likeness of GOD, to be Called and Celebrated as GOD's own Children in Heaven Forever and ever; but this won't make Any Sense or become a Reality in your Life unless and until YOU personally know this: Awesome Amazing Ever-living Ever-loving GOD [Revelation 3.20], [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. So, Receive LORD JESUS as your personal Savior today and Give GOD an opportunity to: Deliver you, Save you, Bless you and fill you with Divine: Love, Joy, Peace,.. and Hope beyond your Thoughts or Imaginations. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, February 23, 2015
JESUS Himself said, without being Born Again NO one can enter into the Kingdom of GOD/Heaven [John 3.5]. My friend, Like our natural or biological father, WE have a Spiritual Father too, who is GOD the Father of Spirits, who is in Heaven [Hebrews 12.9], [Matthew 23.9]. Know this, GOD is a SPIRIT and WE are Spirit beings too but in Human Bodies for a Period in order to Obtain our Eternal Status either to spend our Eternity in Heaven, as GREAT/small or in HELL [John 4.24], [Genesis 1:26, 2:8], [Matthew 5:19, 18:4, 23:11], [John 3.16]. Know this my friend, that which is born of flesh is flesh and Spirit is Spirit [John 3.6]. So Receive JESUS as your personal Savior so that you can Receive The HOLY SPIRIT too, if you ask GOD for HIM [Luke 11.13] and be: Born Again, Renewed in your Mind by The HOLY SPIRIT and be Built up in your Spirit by GOD's Word/BIBLE [Romans 12.2], [Acts 20.32]. Beloved, so Activate and Build up your SPIRIT by being SAVED, so that you can be Qualified and well prepared for Eternity in Heaven from now on, which is the only way to go to Heaven [John 14.6], [Acts 4.12]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Beloved, STOP worrying and focusing Only on your body like timely: Eating, Exercising, Fun, Resting.. while; Ignoring, Neglecting, Forgetting your Soul and Spirit which is too BIG, Priceless, Permanent and Heaven or Hell bound based on your personal: Response to GOD's Word/BIBLE and your personal Relationship with GOD [John 3:5-6, 15-17], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], Now. Remember, our body is: weak, temporary, degenerating and profits for nothing [Mark 14.38], [John 6.63]; which won't be with us forever. Body is just your container but the Real Content is our Soul and Spirit which is the Real YOU [2 Corinthians 4.7]. This is why JESUS said 'Do not worry about your Body.. '[Matthew 6.31-34], [Matthew 10.28]. Because Soul and Spirit alone matters, that's is the key which only will take us to Heaven for Eternity once Dead and Gone, if Lived according to GOD's Word/BIBLE [Matthew 7.21]. That's why GOD looks at our hearts and not at our Body or Face [1 Samuel 16.7]. So, Wake up; build up your Inner man or your Spirit, listening to GOD's Word/BIBLE [Acts 20.32], so that you can walk into heaven like a Hero [Matthew 6.20], [John 6.27-29], [1 Peter 1.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Abraham had No clue what would happen next when he was about to kill Isaac [Genesis 22.10-19]. Moses had No clue what would happen next when he was in front of Red Sea [Exodus 14.16-31]. Mordecai had no clue, while waiting at Palace's gate [Esther 5.14-6.12]. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed Nego had No clue what would happen next when they were about to be thrown into the Fiery Furnace [Daniel 3.17-30]. Daniel had No clue what would happen when he was about to be thrown into the Lion's Den [6.16-28]. Because they all put their Trust in GOD and GOD alone and waiting patiently for HIM; the: Unthinkable, Unimaginable and the Most Unexpected took place. My friend, Faith in GOD is the seed for Miracles. So, BELIEVE in JESUS. Always Remember, when you come to GOD for Miracles, STOP Reasoning but Start Believing, this is the key. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, February 20, 2015
JESUS raised: the Centurion's daughter from the Dead, son of that poor widow from the Dead, Lazarus from the Dead; not only because HE was full of Love and Compassion for Mankind but also HE wanted to show us and make us Understand what would happen to all Mankind someday [Mark 5.21-43], [Luke 7.11-17], [John 11.1-44]. JESUS Himself rose up from the Dead, proving who HE was [Matthew 28.6], [John 11.25]. Beloved, so Resurrection is an upcoming Reality for all Mankind and not a man's Fiction but GOD's Unchanging Decision for Eternal LIFE in Heaven or Eternal Death in Hell, based on our Response to GOD's Word/BIBLE now [Daniel 12.2]. So whoever you may be PLEASE be: SAVED, SAFE, SECURED Forever, listening to GOD/BIBLE [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
What we see is Negligible when compared what we don't See [Hebrews 6.15]. What we know is negligible when compared to what we don't Know [John 16.12]. Physical world is child realm whereas Spirit world is Parent realm. Unseen births Seen, my friend; for example you Decided to read what I wrote, your Thought triggered your Action, thought is Unseen whereas action is Seen. Know this: GOD is SPIRIT, We are Spirit beings [in physical bodies upon earth just for a period - to Earn our Eternal: Rewards, Treasures and Inheritance], Angels and Demons are Spirits [John 4.24], [Genesis 1.26, 2.8], [Hebrews 1.14]. BIBLE verses are Spirits [John 6.63]. GOD says, our Real Awesome GOD intended Life begins only after our Death [John 3.16], [Daniel 12.2-3]. So, Listen to GOD/BIBLE now and be SAVED, Baptized, Sanctified and Fruit bearing; Earning YOUR Eternal: Rewards, Heaping Treasures in Heaven and be qualified for Inheritance in Heaven [Revelation 22.11-12], [Matthew 6.20], [1 Peter 1.14], [Romans 10.9-10]. Wake up, follow JESUS today, Tomorrow may be too Late!!! Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
JESUS never had a house or donkey of His own; HE never had a Bank account or Business of His own. HE never commanded His disciples/us to follow anyone but Him [Matthew 4.19]. HE commanded us Not to heap treasures on earth but in Heaven [Matthew 6.19-20]. HE commanded us to work for Eternity [John 6.27-29],.. Why? Because GOD's Kingdom is NOT of this world [John 18.36]. That's why HE said in His Father's house there were many Mansions and HE was going to prepare one for us [John 14.2-3]. So, my brother, my sister and my dear friend We can't serve two masters [Matthew 6.24], Friendship with the world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4] and what is highly esteemed in this world is Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15]. So Check your Associations and Priorities. If needed CHANGE immediately. Live for JESUS. Live for the day. USE this world like fully paid Hotel Room but LOVE/Save the Unsaved People around. Always remember, Our Permanent Home is in Heaven with Eternal: Rewards, Treasures and Inheritance, as long as we Obey GOD/BIBLE [Philippians 3.20], [1 Peter 1.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
People go to HELL not because GOD doesn't: Love or Care for them Anymore or GOD Stopped being: Loving, Kind, Graceful and Merciful to them, but they Reject GOD/BIBLE and they Choose NOT to be: Delivered, SAVED and Blessed [John 3.16], [Hosea 4.6], [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Satan goes to HELL because he Rebelled against GOD, when there was NO one to Tempt him [Isaiah 14.12-14]. GOD/BIBLE says there's NO Remission of SINS for Willful Sinning, that's what Devil did/do [Hebrews 10.26], [John 8.44 & 10.10], [Revelation 12.9] whereas Devil tempted Eve, Adam [Genesis 3.1-6], Devil tempts You, I and the Whole World [Revelation 12.9]. Even JESUS was tempted [Matthew 4.1-11]. That's why GOD came up with the Redemption Plan for MANKIND, through JESUS [Luke 2.10], [John 3.16]. So my brother, my sister and my dear friend, WHOEVER you may be PLEASE take advantage of GOD'S Redemption Plan, Receive JESUS today and be: SAVED, Safe and Secured Forever; Don't Wait until Tomorrow which may be late!!! Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, February 16, 2015
CHRISTIANITY is Open to all and it is simply a Choice [Luke 2.10]. Unsaved people find No Greatness or Specialty in CHRISTIANITY simply because they have NO access to The HOLY SPIRIT, it is not given to them [John 14.17]. So, Expecting a fish to fly or a bird to swim is Not fair or right. Beloved, Christianity is: Spiritual, Invisible, Faith based, heart to heart Relationship with GOD our Creator through JESUS, who is the only Bridge to FATHER GOD [John 14.6]. Christianity is an ever growing and never ending Spiritual Relationship with Unexplainable Experience of: Revelation, Love, Joy, Peace, Satisfaction,.. and Hope [Jeremiah 29.13]. So, NO JESUS: NO Forgiveness of SINS, NO Relationship with GOD, NO Heaven, NO Eternal LIFE as simple as that. So my brother, my sister and my dear friend, Please Welcome JESUS today so that you can Welcome: Love, Joy, Peace,.. and Eternal LIFE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
CHRISTIANITY is Not a Religion as misunderstood by Billions out there, my friend; but it is the Relationship with GOD, preparing one for their Eternal Life in Heaven by The HOLY SPIRIT based on their personal Response to GOD'S Word/BIBLE, that's why No one can be Born into Christianity, like other Religions. Know this, Unless and Until an Individual is BORN AGAIN or Believes in his heart and Confesses with his mouth that JESUS is LORD, and GOD raised HIM from the Dead he/she cannot be SAVED [John 3.5-6], [Romans 10.9-10]. So, it is an Individual's personal Choice and Decision. So, one can only be persuaded and guided into Christianity but Cannot be Forced into it [Revelation 3.20]. So, Going to Church, giving offerings, having Christian friends circles,.. and claiming to be a Christian Won't make you a True Christian, my brother, my sister but Your personal Relationship with JESUS only will [Revelation 3.20], [John 14.23]. So, Don't be DECEIVED [Hosea 4.6]. Be SAVED now [Roman 10.9-10], Tomorrow may be too Late; so that you can be pretty Sure of your Eternal LIFE in Heaven, today itself [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Someday: Everyone and Everything WE ever LOVED and LIVED with will Leave US Forever, in DEATH, my friend. Know this, DEATH is not End of our Existence as falsely believed by Billions out there but the BEGINNING of it or Our Transition into Eternity, that's all; Either to HEAVEN or HELL based on our Response to BIBLE or GOD's Word, Now while WE are in our Body on earth [John 3.16]. Death is simply the Separation of our Spirit and Soul from our Body [Ecclesiastes 12.7]. That day, Everyone will: See, Know, Experience, Believe, Confess that: BIBLE, JESUS, GOSPEL, Heaven and Hell all were TRUE. But Now the Good News for You is this; I tell you, I told you this Priceless Truth that JESUS is the Only way to Heaven, So You can Choose JESUS/BIBLE now and be: Saved, Baptized, Sanctified, Fruit bearing and be Heaven bound from now on or the Bad news is this, You will Never Ever get a second chance to Re-Live your Life once you are Dead without JESUS [John 14.6]. So, Consider this very Seriously and ACT immediately because Tomorrow is Not Guaranteed, my brother, my sister [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. JESUS Died and went to HELL for you too, by simply accepting HIM as your Savior you too can walk into HEAVEN like me. So, STOP saying NO to GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Servants and Substitutes CANNOT Do Everything for YOU, my friend. Others Can't: Eat or Drink for you. Others Can't Replace Your: Love and Care for Your: Family, Spouse and Children. Others Can't: Seek GOD for you or Read, Study, Learn, Love GOD's Word/BIBLE for you. Others Can't: Believe and Obey GOD for you. Others Can't: Worship, Glorify or Praise GOD for you. Others Can't be: Baptized, Saved, Sanctified and Fruit bearing for YOU. So, my brother, my sister and my dear friend PLEASE STOP Deputing and Depending on Others for Each and Everything. Always Remember: MONEY is NOT Everything or MONEY can be Earned or Received at Anytime in Life but your LIFE Cannot be: Lived Again or Reversed later. So, Wake up. Know what You must KNOW and DO what you Must DO before too late. There is NO substitution for many things in Life, Especially for Your SALVATION and Eternal: Rewards and Treasures; So, You MUST DO it Yourself, so ACT Soon [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Matthew 16.26]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Dreaming or Talking of GOD's Incredible and Eternal Promises for us who are in CHRIST, is not only our way of escape from our daily: Tears, Pains and Sorrows in Life, my brothers and sisters but this is the only Secret of making them less painful and bearable during our very short stay, here on earth [Matthew 6.34], [Philippians 4.6], [John 14.2-3], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [Revelation 21.4]. That's why GOD commanded us to Meditate upon HIS Word/BIBLE day and night, so that we can be fully aware of or full of GOD's Priceless Promises in our Mind, resulting in Divine Peace and JOY in us; Destroying our sense of Uncared for or Unloved by GOD, from within [Joshua 1.8-9], [Psalms 1.1-3]. So, Cheer up beloved; Know, Dream and Share about your Awaiting, Amazing Eternal life in CHRIST, in Heaven. So, You too my UNSAVED friend, can be like us, Partaker of these Priceless Promises by simply being: SAVED, Sanctified and Fruit bearing for CHRIST [Romans 10.9-10], [Romans 12.2], [Matthew 5.16]. So, Come on in. Be: Delivered, Saved and Blessed. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
My brother, My sister and My dear friend; YOU are, who GOD says YOU are [1 Peter 2.9], that's it; Not what men says who you are!. Men see our appearance but GOD sees our attitude too [1 Samuel 16.7]. Men may know our past but GOD knows our Future too [Isaiah 46.10]. Remember, People saw a Barren woman in Sarah but GOD saw the Mother of all Nations in her [Genesis 17.16]. People saw a Murderer in Moses but GOD saw the Rescuer of Israel in him [Exodus 7.1-2], People saw a Prisoner in Joseph but GOD saw the Powerful Prime Minister of Egypt in him [Genesis 39.21]. People saw a Poor young shepherd boy in David but GOD saw the Mighty King of Israel in him [1 Samuel 16.7-13]. People saw a Prostitute in Mary Magdalene but GOD saw First witness of HIS Resurrection in her [John 20.16-17]. People saw a Destroyer of Church in Saul but GOD saw the Builder of Church in him [Acts 9.15]. My friend, Only GOD Knows the End from the Beginning and Not men or the demons [Isaiah 46.10]. So wake up. Stop believing the LIES and mere Opinions of men to Ignore, Neglect what GOD your Creator have to say about YOU!!! So, Listen to GOD/BIBLE and DO what HE says [Jeremiah 33.3], [Romans 10.9-10], [Matthew 6.24], [Luke 16.15], [James 4.4], [Matthew 16.24]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Cancer and Carbon monoxide are not Real killers, my friend Whereas Spiritual IGNORANCE is [Hosea 4.6]. So, Stop worrying only about your Physical well being while Ignoring and Neglecting your Spiritual one; which only will take you to Heaven or Hell for Eternity, when you are Dead and gone [Hebrew 9.27]. While you are Physically Active take Care of your Soul and Spirit too [Romans 10.9-10]. Stop being Spiritually DEAD and only Physically Present [James 2.26]. Be Balanced in life [Revelation 3.20]. Whatever kills only your Body is Not Real killers whereas whatever Kills your Soul and Spirit is [Matthew 10.28]. If WE ever Realize what GOD/JESUS has Done and Promised us when WE Listen to GOD/BIBLE; Seeking, Obeying, Honoring, Pleasing GOD; Loving GOD won't be a Problem at all, rather it will become Spontaneous and a great Pleasure indeed because in Heaven there Won't be: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and DEATH, what a JOY it would be [John 14.23], [Luke 2.10], [Revelation 21.4]. Often words seem inadequate when WE/GOD lovers, try to convey our feelings, gratitude to GOD when WE understood this Awesome Truth. Remember, GOD gave us Life, countless Opportunities,. Eternal Life in Heaven [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10]. So, Know GOD well early, so that you can Stand for HIM here and Heap Rewards and Treasures in Heaven from now on [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Walk away from Wrong/EVIL: Associations/Relationships because Life is too short to be spent only in: Pain, shame, fears and tears. Separate from people who USE You and constantly Refuse to: Learn, Change and Improve. Time is Life, if someone is Wasting yours, they are Wasting your Life. A wish changes Nothing whereas a Decision with Immediate Action Changes Everything [Joshua 24.15]. YOU are in charge of your life, my friend. So, DO what you are supposed to DO now. FREE Yourself. Most of your Pains and Problems in life Doesn't need any more Prayers but just the right Decision with immediate Action from your side, that's all. You will be Delivered in NO time. So, Never postpone your Miracle. So Seek GOOD, Seek GOD, Welcome JESUS [Matthew 6.33], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Know this, Nothing pleases GOD like: Knowing, Believing, Obeying HIM/BIBLE [Hosea 6.6], [Hebrews 11.6]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Beloved spend quality time in Knowing GOD/BIBLE now, when you have the opportunity to do so and try to DO exactly what it says because someday WE must stand before GOD, then You won't be shocked or find yourself as a: Stranger or Joker. So, Get to Know GOD from now on and try to build up an Intimate relationship with HIM from now on, so that you can be well Prepared and very much Excited for what's coming or to meet HIM [2 Corinthians 5.8], [Hebrews 9.27], [Revelation 21.4]. My friend, Time is the seed for Relationship and Relationship is the seed for Revelation. So, More you Meditate BIBLE and Pray, the more GOD can Reveal HIMSELF to you [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Remember, GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]. GOD cannot CHANGE [Malachi 3.6]. GOD cannot be PARTIAL [Acts 10.34]. So, Take ADVANTAGE of HIS Nature. We are all Creations of GOD, So WE are all equal before HIM But what makes the Difference is Our 'Individual Response' to HIS Word/BIBLE [Isaiah 66.2] because GOD is Just [Psalms 25.8], which is what makes us the Children of GOD [John 1.12] and GOD even Confides with those who walk intimately with HIM [Psalms 25.14]. So, it is our own Choice and Decision to Know more about GOD, which alone leads us to Witness and Taste HIS Glory and Goodness [John 11.40], [Psalms 34.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Beloved, Please Know: Who YOU are, Why YOU are here, Whom YOU belong, Where YOU are heading to before too late; so that YOU can: Choose Right, Change Quick and BENEFIT a LOT because there are: Two Final Destinations 1.Heaven [Revelation 21.4]. 2.Hell [Revelation 19.20]. Two Fathers 1.GOD [Matthew 5.16] 2.Devil [John 8.44]. Two Conditions 1.Righteous [Matthew 13.43] 2.Wicked [Matthew 12.45]. Two Statuses 1.Children of GOD [John 1.12] 2.Creation of GOD. Two Identities 1.Heavenly [Matthew 16.26] 2.Worldly [Matthew 22.21], Two Responsibilities 1.Spiritual [Matthew 6.33] 2.Social [Matthew 5.16]. So, Choose the Right one before you lose your Right to Choose or DIE. Beloved, Crown of all GOD's creations is YOU and I, the mankind [Genesis 1.26-27], [Psalms 139.14]. Smartest thing is to Know GOD and Welcome HIM at the earliest [Jeremiah 29.13], [Revelation 3.20]. So: Believe, Obey and Please GOD/BIBLE now, while living on earth to qualify for Eternal LIFE in Heaven with Ever-living: Rewards, Treasures and Inheritance [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [1 Peter 1.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, February 6, 2015
How often and How seriously WE take such a lot of: time, pain, care to Make: a phone call, send a text, email or even pay a visit in order to Share or Promote about an ongoing or forthcoming: Offer, Sale, Weather forecast or whatever for NOTHING in return Whereas isn't it sheer: Ignorance, Negligence and Disobedience to be SAVED and not Sharing it with others around? [Matthew 28.19-20]. My brother, my sister and my dear friend WE may not have this Wonderful Opportunity Forever. So, ACT NOW. Remember, Like that Rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus to minister to his brothers; Don't let your: Family, Friends, Colleagues, Neighbors and Others Accuse you or Feel Bad about you on the Last day for Your Selfishness/Shyness or Irresponsibility for NOT sharing the Gospel/JESUS with them NOW, TODAY when you have the opportunity around [Luke 16.19-31]. Wake up. Warn and Inform Others. SAVE Someone Today and Everyday until the End so that You can Heap Rewards, Treasures and Inheritance in Heaven [Hosea 4.6], [John 6.27-29], [Hebrews 6.10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
LIFE on earth is not forever, my friend [James 4.14]. WE are not going to be here for thousands of years. So, Learn Apply Change Accomplish Great things and LIVE QUICK [Isaiah 1.17]. Every: year, month, week, day, moment GOD gives; is a brand new opportunity to get right with GOD [Matthew 3.2]. To: Know, Accept and Please GOD/JESUS which is why we are here and which alone will Determine Where and How, WE will Spend our Eternity once DEAD and gone; either in Heaven or in Hell, as a Hero or as a Joker; it is as simple as that [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [John 6.27-29]. Beloved, Results are published only after the Exams. We will know who we are in GOD's books only after we DIE. So, Listen to GOD/BIBLE and DO what it says, so that you won't REGRET when you stand before GOD [James 1.22], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. So, STOP wasting your precious TIME/LIFE running Only behind creations [men, money, materials] Ignoring, Neglecting, Disobeying GOD our CREATOR. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
GOD doesn't need our: Prayers or Help, Wisdom or Knowledge, Protection or Provision,.. or whatever. GOD doesn't need Anything from Anyone at Anytime because HE is the Creator, Sustainer and Supreme Ruler of Everyone and Everything. HE Creates Awesome things out of Nothing from day one[Romans 4.17]. HE alone can bring MORE out of less [Matthew 14.17-21]. HE Heals, Revives, Resurrects. HE LOVES us all very much, if not HE would not have killed HIS only SON for us, to take us back Home [John 3.16], [Philippians 3.20]. GOD is the greatest Giver and Lover, Protector and Provider,... and what not? HE Gives us: Life, Strength, Wisdom, Knowledge, Peace, Joy, Hope,.. and remember HE doesn't need Anyone's Approval or Permission to Deliver you or Bless you, my friend [Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. Then why wait? Whoever you may be, just SEEK GOD/BIBLE, Know HIM, Believe HIM, Obey HIM, Please HIM in order to be FREE and Peaceful. Learn to Lean on GOD/BIBLE [Psalms 34.10], [Matthew 6.33], [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
GOD is not seen; Angels and Demons, Heaven and Hell, Spirit and Soul are not seen because they are all PERMANENT [2 Corinthians 4.18]. Whereas our Body is seen; Sickness, Poverty, Inabilities are seen, Tears, Pains, Sorrows, Death and MONEY is seen because these all are temporary. Beloved, what is seen Originated from the Unseen [Hebrews 11.3]. So, never under estimate the Unseen realm because it is the Parent and the Permanent realm. Remember, GOD said NO: eyes have seen, ears have heard, hearts have perceived what GOD has kept for those who LOVE HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9], [John 14.23]. So, Wake up. Seek, Believe, Obey and LOVE GOD/BIBLE now, so that once Dead and gone You can See, Receive and Enjoy what HE/BIBLE Promised, Forever and Ever [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Authorities take action when complaint is lodged; similarly every Prayer WE say in Faith to FATHER GOD in Heaven through JESUS' Name will be Action-ed or Answered by GOD, immediately or soon either with a Yes [Matthew 14.30-31], a No [2 Corinthians 12.7-9] or a Wait [John 11.3-6]. Remember, GOD Loves us all, Especially those who Loves HIM back, so much [John 14.23]. Know this, for our own Good at times GOD says: NO or WAIT, my friend because GOD sees the Future or Knows the End from the Beginning; in other words GOD Finished Everything and then HE Began [Romans 8.28], [Isaiah 46.10], [Hebrews 4.3]. So TRUST GOD always and PRAY as often as possible Especially when you are in TROUBLE or when you really Don't know what to DO next. Beloved, Prayers bring Power from Heaven [Psalms 34.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Be Balanced in life; my brother, my sister and my dear friend. Give unto GOD what is HIS and men theirs [Matthew 22.21]. Plan to Stay long on earth to Bless/SAVE as many as possible, also be prepared to Depart anytime [Matthew 28.19-20]. So that, even Death can't surprise You. Planning reduce Regrets, so Plan well in advance. Never forget that WE are strangers here on earth [Psalms 119.19]. Beloved, Life on earth is just the Journey but our Destination is Heaven [Philippians 3.20]. So, don't get rooted here, gazing at the vanities of this world. Know this, What is Seen is Temporary but Unseen is Permanent so Never trade your Permanent for this temporary world [2 Corinthians 4.18]. Always Remember, We can't serve two masters [Matthew 6.24], Friendship with the world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4], What is Highly Esteemed here in this world is Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15]. So, Deny yourself, Take up your cross and Follow JESUS daily in order to SAVE your Life [Matthew 16.24-27]. So, Wake up. Know, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE before too late. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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