DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
FYI, King SOLOMON had almost everything we could ever imagine but in the end of his life he said 'All are Vanities' [Ecclesiastes 1.14]. Father ABRAHAM was Super Rich yet he Believed in GOD, lived in tents looking for Heavenly Home [Genesis 13.2], [Hebrews 11.9-10]. Prophet ELISHA had lot of opportunities to make a lot of Money but he said 'Is this the time to run behind Money and Materials?' [2 Kings 5.26]. Apostle PAUL Left everything and Spent everything for Gospel's sake saying 'I count all things but loss for CHRIST and count them as Dung' [Philippians 3.7-8]. Friends, Church Please GOD [John 6.27]. LOVE People [Luke 6.38]. Share JESUS [Matthew 28.19-20]. USE your MONEY to SAVE the Dying Souls around [Matthew 6.19-20]. So, STOP: Ignoring, Neglecting, Disobeying GOD/BIBLE, to be finally Shocked [Revelation 3.17-22]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, October 30, 2017
GOD has two Faces; LOVE [1 John 4.8] and JUSTICE [Isaiah 33.22]. That's why WE got JESUS as Ransom to SAVE us out of our SINS [Romans 10.9] and JUDGMENT for those who Reject JESUS [Romans 6.23]. So, Never take GOD's Silence for HIS Absence and Never expect GOD to React like men because GOD is Far beyond human Understanding, Extremely Patient, Slow to Anger [Numbers 14.18], HIS Thoughts and Ways are Not like ours, [Isaiah 55.8-9]. FYI, Death is Not the end of our Existence but Transition into eternity either to Heaven or hell, based on our Acceptance or Rejection of JESUS as our Saviour [Romans 8.1]. So Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE now. Repent [Luke 13.3], Reconcile [Romans 5.10] and be Renewed in your mind before it is too late [Romans 12.2]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
The sense of: Emptiness, Missing something, no Satisfaction, reason-less Fear and all Negative voices you hear from within; are nothing but Signs and Proof of absence of GOD in you [Psalms 16.11], [Jeremiah 33.3]. Beloved, We are Created in GOD's own: Image and Likeness [Genesis 1.26]; called to become and be HIS Children [John 1.12]. So, as long as You don't welcome GOD [Revelation 3.20] and let GOD into your heart you will remain dull, down and depressed because GOD is the missing link all our hearts are CRAVING for [Ecclesiastes 3.11], [Romans 15.13], [John 14.27], [Acts 13.52]. So, Seek GOD today [Jeremiah 29.13], Receive and Worship HIM [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. FYI, GOD/JESUS is the Key for PEACE and Happiness [John 10.10]. No GOD No: Life, Love, Joy, Peace, Hope. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
GOD and Devil [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], Heaven and Hell [John 3.16], Death and Resurrection are for Real [Daniel 12.2-3], [Jeremiah 33.3]. Power against Demons are not in our screaming voice or possession of physical weapons but in our intimacy with GOD/BIBLE, Speaking words of GOD given Power and Authority [Luke 10.19], [Ephesians 6.10-18]. Divine Wisdom is not in begging the devil for his mercy but not even giving him a chance to challenge us but to keep him under our feet [Romans 12.2 & 16.20]. So: seek, believe, obey GOD/BIBLE to Increase your intimacy with GOD. FYI, You will remain your own enemy, as long as, you: Ignore, Neglect, Reject GOD/BIBLE [Hosea 4.6]. Death is Not the end of our Existence [Hebrews 9.27] but Transition to Eternity; either to Heaven or Hell [John 3.16] based purely on our individual Choices [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Beloved, Worldly Accomplishments are a Never Ending Deception and will Never take us to Heaven [Revelation 12.9]. It will keep us occupied until our: Wealth, Health, Approval, Time is fully spent, then you may feel Sorry for having Not spent quality time with GOD/BIBLE, Family, Church, Friends [Psalms 39.6]. Relationships are more important than Any Worldly Accomplishments. So STOP running only behind: Money, Men, Materials; Neglecting/Ignoring: GOD, Family, Church, Friends. Worldly Accomplishments will Never End and it will Never Accompany us when WE die. Too much of Anything is Dangerous, so be Balanced in life [Ecclesiastes 7.16-17]. Wake up to LIVE your life side by side giving GOD and men their time [Matthew 22.21]. So, Fear GOD. Trust GOD. Please GOD. Forgive men. Accept men. Love men. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
If there is No GOD, how did WE get here? Who created our forefathers, Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars,.. and all Living beings around? Scientists are continually Decoding such a lot of Intelligence around us, Who in the first place must have Encoded these? [Genesis 1.1]. Moreover many know that there is Something beyond Science, that is GOD [Isaiah 46.9], [Psalm 19.1], [Deuteronomy 29.29]. FYI, GOD is for us and Devil is against us [Romans 8.31], [1 Peter 5.8]. GOD cannot LIE but Devil is a LIAR [Titus 1.2], [John 8.44]. GOD is our CREATOR, Devil is a creation [Genesis 1.1, 1.26 & 2.7]. So STOP Believing in the LIES of Devil to Ignore, Neglect BIBLE/GOD and GOD sent SAVIOR JESUS to walk into HELL with Devil instead of HEAVEN with Rewards, Treasures along with JESUS [Mathew 25.41], [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [Revelation 21.4]. Truth.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Is JESUS GOD? YES HE is [John 1.1-3]. JESUS' Birth, Death and Resurrection was Foretold [Isaiah 9.6], [Matthew 20.19]. JESUS was born of The HOLY SPIRIT [Luke 1.35]. JESUS Preached and Taught about many things, especially a lot about Heaven and Eternity [John 14.2-3]. JESUS was full of Wisdom, Power, Love, Compassion and Forgiveness [Matthew 9.36]. JESUS Knew people's Heart/Thoughts exactly [Matthew 12.25]. JESUS Prophesied [John 4.18]. JESUS Spoke with Authority [Matthew 7.29]. JESUS Spoke with Authority saying, 'I tell you' [Luke 13.3]. JESUS Forgave Sins [Matthew 9.2]. JESUS Accepted Worship [Matthew 8.12]. JESUS Healed the Lame, Deaf, Dumb, Blind and Sick [Matthew 8.3]. JESUS Raised the Dead [Mark 5.41-42]. JESUS Turned water into Wine [John 2.7-9] and did countless Miracles. Walked on water [Matthew 14.26]. JESUS Disappeared whenever HE chose to [Luke 24.31]. JESUS Transfigured [Matthew 17.2]. Evil spirits Confessed, Worshiped, Obeyed JESUS[Mark 3.11] and left at HIS Command [Luke 9.42]. JESUS was without Sin [ 2 Corinthians 5.21]. JESUS Declared that HE was the Messiah [John 4.25-26]. JESUS Foretold about HIS own Sufferings, Death, Resurrection and Proved it [Matthew 28.6]. JESUS was taken up into Heaven and He promised that HE is coming back [John 14.3], [Acts 1.11], to take HIS disciples/followers to Heaven and so on. So Read, Study and Research The HOLY BIBLE for more Exciting Truths. Its really very very interesting... Beloved GOD is not someone's private property. HE Loves us and Loves to Reveal HIMSELF to Anyone and Everyone who Longs for HIM and Seeks HIM from the bottom of their Hearts. Are you a Truth Seeker, my friend? then turn to BIBLE without any Delay; all your Doubts and Questions will be Cleared and Answered, by GOD Himself [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Every minute spent with/for GOD/BIBLE is, Time Never Wasted but very well Invested against our Present, Future [Jeremiah 33.3 & 29.13]. GOD is Good, Gracious, Just, Kind, Loving, Forgiving,. Merciful. GOD Never Forgets or Ignores ANYONE ANYONE who Stood/Stand for HIM rather HE Remembers them ALL and Rewards them Aptly [Galatians 6.7-8]. Noah, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, David, Daniel,.. Rehab, Ruth, Esther, Mary, Mary Magdalene,.. are all Dead and Gone but even today GOD/BIBLE remembers them and speaks highly about them [John 8.56], [Jeremiah 17.10], [Hebrews 6.10]. GOD Loves to be Believed and Hates to be Doubted [Hebrews 11.6]. So, STOP running only behind: money, men and materials but GOD because GOD's Rewards are Priceless and Matchless [1 Corinthians 2.9], [Romans 8.28], [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Devil Freely Gives Illegitimate: Sex, Money, Power, Pleasure, Leisure; only to Kill us in Hell. So wake up and turn to GOD/BIBLE to be SAFE for now and forever [Matthew 6.24], [Luke 16.15], [James 4.4], [Psalms 34.7]. Don't trust everything you see, even salt looks like Sugar [1 Samuel 16.7]. GOD is SPIRIT [John 4.24]. Angels, Demons are Spirits [Hebrews 1.14]. You and I are Spirit beings in Human bodies for a period [Genesis 2.7]. GOD is for us [John 10.10] whereas Devil is Against us and Devil Excels in: Lying, Murdering, Stealing, Killing, Destroying, Deceiving, Accusing; these are Devil's nature and strength [John 8.44], [Revelation 12.9]. Human beings can also be devils [John 6.70]. That's why we need to be SAVED [Romans 10.9] to enjoy GOD'S Protection and to Discern Devil's tricks and be on guard to walk in GOD's will [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Question is not why would a Loving GOD send people to Hell but why would Anyone choose Hell over a LOVING GOD? [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. GOD prepared HELL for the Devil and his angels and not for the Mankind [Matthew 25.41], as long as we Listen to GOD/BIBLE and DO exactly what GOD says [Isaiah 66.2]. GOD OWES US Nothing but still gives us Everything. So be Grateful and Faithful to GOD. Negativity and Pessimism, Fear and Worries, Hatred and Destruction, Injustice and Wickedness, Unbelief and Double mindedness,.. these BAD stuffs are Not from GOD but from Devil [Genesis 3.4]. GOD LOVES US so much [John 3.16], HE Created us, Sustaining us, HE is for us, HE has Awesome Future Plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20]. So Turn to GOD/BIBLE, be SAVED now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Life is an ongoing open Exam, in which Everyone gets their question papers, on time, every time; but None of them are alike [Romans 12.4-21]. Our Textbook is The Holy BIBLE [2 Timothy 3.16], Our Teacher is The HOLY SPIRIT [John 14.26], Our Examiner is GOD our CREATOR [Jeremiah 17.10], Our Fellow men are our Classmates and Roommates [Acts 17.26] and Our Only Hope [Romans 8.1], Advocate and Savior is JESUS CHRIST [1John 2.1]. So, No point in Comparing your life with others to CRY or LAUGH. YOU are as Precious as Anyone to GOD, that's why None of us are Alike [Psalms 139.14]. Remember, You have to give an Account of your life at the end of it, Personally, Individually [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]; that's why GOD says 'My People are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6], [Hebrews 9.27]. So, turn to GOD [Romans 10.9]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, October 20, 2017
JESUS Transfigured [Matthew 17.1-7]. JESUS Resurrected [Matthew 28.6]. JESUS Demonstrated both and HE Promised what's coming, saying 'I am the: Way, Life and Truth no one comes to the Father but by me', [John 14.6]. So, DEATH is Not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to HEAVEN if Believed, Obeyed GOD/BIBLE now or Of course to HELL and there is NO third option [John 3.5], [Matthew 7.21], [Matthew 25.41]. FYI, Transfiguration is Exclusive for Born Again Christians or Churches which are in CHRIST [1 Corinthians 15.51-54]. So, be SAVED [Romans 10.9] now and continue to be in CHRIST [2 Corinthians 5.17] so that You also can be Transfigured too, if JESUS Returns Now/Soon or Resurrected [Daniel 12.3]. TRANSFIGURATION or Death and RESURRECTION is Waiting for us all [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
GOD cannot Bless what HE has cursed and HE cannot Curse what HE has Blessed [Numbers Chapters 22-24], that's why GOD says 'My people are Destroyed for Lack of KNOWLEDGE' [Hosea 4.6]. So Know BIBLE well [Deuteronomy 28.1-68]. WE get: Disappointed, Disrespected, Disgraced, Deceived and Depressed NOT because GOD doesn't Love or Care for us but WE haven't paid proper attention yet to BIBLE/GOD's: Wisdom, Direction, Instruction [James 1.13-15]. GOD goes by HIS Word/BIBLE [Psalm 89.34]. GOD LOVES Justice and Righteousness [Psalm 89.14]. GOD LOVES those who pay attention to HIS Word [Isaiah 66.2]. FYI, GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2], GOD cannot be PARTIAL [Acts 10.34], GOD cannot CHANGE [Malachi 3.6]. So, You CHANGE from: Evil to Good, Darkness to Light, Curse to Blessing, Foolishness to Wisdom. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
NEVER Postpone GOOD things, Never. DO it NOW, begin with Your: Salvation [Romans 10.9], Serving the LORD and Serving/Loving/Helping fellow men [John 6.27-29]. Do it without even a second thought because YOU never know when you will Lose this priceless Privilege forever [Ecclesiastes 9.12]. TIME is the greatest Thief of all, so Never Miss or Waste it. We are Not going to be here on earth forever. We all live a most uncertain life. So, always be Productive, when Awake. GOD/BIBLE says that our Life is like Vapor, Vanity [James 4.14], [Psalms 39.5]. So, every passing minute is a priceless opportunity. So, be always very keen to DO something GOOD for: GOD, Others and self. [Ecclesiastes 3.1], [Hebrews 12.17]. Yesterday is Gone, tomorrow is not Guaranteed, only TODAY we have, so DO something GOOD before you go to bed. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Real PEACE is from GOD - Absolutely FREE [Philippians 4.6-7]. Real PROTECTION is from GOD - Not only Foolproof but also FREE [Isaiah 54.17]. Real SUCCESS and PROSPERITY is from GOD - Absolutely FREE [Joshua 1.8]. Real DELIVERANCE is from GOD - Absolutely FREE [Mark 9.29]. Real HEALING is from GOD - Absolutely FREE [Exodus 15.26]. Real WISDOM is from GOD - Absolutely FREE [Proverbs 1.7]. Real KNOWLEDGE, REVELATION is from GOD - Absolutely FREE [Jeremiah 33.3]. Even Eternal LIFE in HEAVEN is from GOD - Absolutely FREE [John 3.16]. FYI, Every: Enviable, Priceless, Permanent Gift/Thing is from GOD [James 1.17]. So, STOP being: Ignorant, Negligent, Adamant; Hating GOD/BIBLE, FOOLING Yourself. GOD NEVER SELLS ANYTHING ANYTHING [Isaiah 55.1-3]. So, turn to GOD [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, October 16, 2017
STOP Reacting. Start Praying. Yes, Vengeance belongs to GOD [Deuteronomy 32.35], [Romans 12.19]. So, STOP playing GOD, trying to take Revenge, Damaging you, getting more: Hurt, Torn, Broken [Hosea 4.6]. It's GOD's Job to Avenge, let GOD do it, you Don't interfere in that. FYI, GOD/BIBLE says 'I will Bless those who Bless you and Curse those who Curse you' so you better pray for those who Mess around with you because they have NO clue; Who you are, Whose you are and What's coming, as long as You are in CHRIST [Genesis 12.2-3], [Galatians 3.29]. You just Report it to GOD in Prayer, leaving it in GOD's Hands [Matthew 6.5-8], [Philippians 4.6-7]. So Honor GOD, make HIM Proud by Listening, Believing and Obeying HIM/BIBLE so that GOD will deal with him/her in due time [1 Samuel 2.30], [Isaiah 66.2]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Your Life is not just always about you, it is inter-connected, it is inter-related [Luke 6.31 & 38]. GOD is watching Everyone Everywhere [Psalms 53.2]. Every move we make is closely being monitored for Rewards [Galatians 6.7-8]. GOD knows our Thoughts, Desires, Words, Deeds [Jeremiah 17.10], [Matthew 12.36-37]. So don't lose heart, your sufferings won't last forever. GOD is on the way, things are going to Change soon in your favor. When GOD becomes your only Hope [Matthew 9.28-30], GOD won't be silent forever, there comes a time GOD will walk into your Life, even without you calling HIM [Genesis 31.24]. HE Knows our pains and pleasures, HE knows our needs and wants, HE knows our strength and weakness, HE knows our fears and concerns, HE knows our Limits and Deadlines [1 Corinthians 10.13]. So, Keep Trusting in GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
People without WEALTH Cry that's the worst problem in life. People without HEALTH Cry that's the worst problem in life. People without ACCEPTANCE Cry that's the worst problem in life. People without TIME Cry that's the worst problem in life. Beloved, NO man Alive on earth lives without ANY problem. Everyone has got something or other to CRY, complain about. Some are Visible but others Invisible, that's all [Job 7.1 & 14.1]. So, STOP Ignoring, Ill-treating, Insulting Others without knowing what Pain they go through. Of course everyone does [John 16.33]. Remember, JESUS/BIBLE says 'LOVE your Neighbor as Yourself' why? because Keys to our Problems are in the hands of others and Vice versa [Mark 12.31], [Luke 6.31, 38]. So, be quick to: Love, Respect, Forgive, Encourage Others and Pray for them [Job 42.10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Wonder working and Miracle making is GOD's nature [2 Kings 3.17]. It is GOD, who brings Something out of nothing and More out of less [Romans 4.17]. GOD is not respecter of persons [Acts 10.34]; GOD cannot Lie [Titus 1.2]; GOD cannot Change [Malachi 3.6]. So, the more you: Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE, the more you will Experience and Enjoy; Protection and Provision, Safety and Security, Rest and Peace, Joy and Hope amidst all your Pains and Problems because GOD has them all and gives them all to Anyone and Everyone who Trusts in HIM Wholeheartedly [Philippians 4.6-7]. FYI, Darkness becomes Light, Weakness becomes Strength, Enemies become friends, Loss becomes Gain, Curses become Blessings, Shame becomes Fame, End becomes Beginning, Death becomes LIFE,.. when we let GOD into our LIFE [Revelation 3.20], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Most common DECEPTION is 'I have plenty of TIME to LIVE'. So, i can Drink, Dance and Do whatever I want until my Retirement or Old age, then I can Turn to GOD/BIBLE and put things in order, shortly before I Die! If this is YOU, Don't be DECEIVED. WE all live a Most Unexpected Life, Not knowing what our Next moment would be. Yesterday is Gone. Tomorrow is not Guaranteed. Only Today we have. So be: SAVED, Baptized, Sanctified, Fruit Bearing and Prepared for Departure before You Lose your Right to Choose or Close your eyes in DEATH [Romans 10.9], [Revelation 3.20]. Because DEATH is Not the end of our Existence but Transition into Eternity either to Heaven if Believed in GOD/BIBLE Now or of course into Hell and there is NO other option left [Daniel 12.3]. So, Wake up, CHANGE. Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE Now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Pain you go through when in CHRIST is not meant for your Destruction but Construction, to bring the Best out of You for your Eternity in Heaven [1 Timothy 6.12-14]. In PAIN: WE Seek GOD, TRUTH. We: Learn, Understand, Change to: Perform, Produce, Achieve great things but in PLEASURE, we go: Deaf, Dumb, Blind; Losing our: Image, Savings, Dignity and Destiny [2 Samuel 16.12], [Psalms 119.71]. Enviable Worldly: Positions, Possessions, Power are DECEPTIONS in Disguise, which will drain you out of all your Time and Talents, leaving you with NO Time, Strength,. or Energy for: GOD, Family, Friends and Saving Souls. That's why JESUS/BIBLE says we cannot Serve two Masters [Matthew 6.24]; What is highly esteemed in men's sight is an Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15]; Friendship with world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Sad but True; People who: Forget, Ignore, Neglect and Reject GOD/BIBLE now, for to be: Appreciated and Glorified by World and Devil, will put their heads down in Shame on JUDGMENT Day [Romans 14.12], when they stand before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for Judgment [Hebrews 9.27], Whereas people who stood for GOD/BIBLE will receive a Hero Welcome, GOD Himself Recognising them, 'Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant, walk into my Joy' [Matthew 25.21]. So, Learn to Value your Time and make the Best use of it everyday, because you may know how much Money you have or you will ever have, but you Never know how much Time you have on earth. So, Invest most of your priceless Time in Eternity, in GOD's Kingdom, heaping Eternal: Treasures and Rewards [Matthew 13.44], [Matthew 6.20], [John 6.27-29], [Revelation 22.11-12]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, October 9, 2017
GOD Says 'Fools lay treasures on earth' [Luke 12.18-21]. Moreover GOD Counsels 'Labor not for Perishable' [John 6.27], 'Sell and Give alms' [Luke 12.33], 'heap Treasures in Heaven' [Matthew 6.19-20], 'Sow in GOD'S Kingdom' [Mark 10.29-30], 'Wise People Save Souls' [Proverbs 11.30], and GOD Warns 'Always be Prepared for your Eternity in Heaven' [Matthew 16.26]. So Don't be a FOOL. Shift your focus from earth to Heaven [Colossians 3.1]. USE your: Time, Talents, Treasures to LOVE People and SAVE them from their soon coming Eternal Death [Isaiah 6.8]. Live everyday as if its your LAST DAY on earth, Living a very Fruitful life, Obeying and Serving GOD/BIBLE; Touching lives, Heaping Treasures in Heaven, Earning Eternal Rewards and Preparing for your own Awesome Retirement in Heaven [Philippians 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Those who were Born once [Physically] DIE twice [Physically and Spiritually], whereas those who were Born twice [Physically and Spiritually] DIE just Once [Physically] [John 3.5]. My friend, Knowledge is Priceless because it is Life, that's why GOD/BIBLE says, 'My people are Destroyed for lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6]. First thing what GOD gave Adam was Information [Genesis 2.17] 'The day you eat of that fruit, you will surely die'. So be informed right, turn to GOD/BIBLE now, to be SAVED and SAFE forever in Heaven during Eternity [Romans 10.9], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [Philippians 3.20]. Greatest Tragedy in Life is not DEATH, But a Life without JESUS Because DEATH is Not the End of our Existence as Falsely: Believed, Feared and Worried by Billions out there but Transition into Eternity [John 3.16], [Daniel 12.2-3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Every Problem we face, Every Pain we bear, Every Need we have, Every: Rejection, Insult, Shame, Shock, Sorrow, Heartbreak we go through and Every TEAR we shed is Nothing but constant Sign, Proof, Reminder for us, that WE don't belong here my friend because this Earth is Not our permanent home, we just pass through it, we are all sojourners here [Psalms 119.19]; sooner or later we will leave this earth for good, this is what BIBLE says and GOD continues to say that our Permanent Home is in Heaven [Philippians 3.20], provided we choose to Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE now [John 16.33], [John 3.16]. FYI, Death is not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven [Revelation 21.4] or Hell [Matthew 25.41]. So, get Serious with GOD, Now [James 1.22]. Be SAVED and Secured Forever [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Many who were more: Healthier, Younger, Smarter,.. than us, are No more with us [Lamentations 3.22]. We are Not more Holier or Worthier than them but Grace and Mercy of GOD is still keeping us up and running, in the land of Living because GOD is still patient with us, believes in us, that soon we will turn to HIM in Gratitude and make HIM Proud by Living for HIM, bearing good fruits [Luke 13.8]. So, STOP taking GOD's Grace continually for granted to: Ignore, Neglect and Reject HIM/BIBLE indefinitely, living an ungodly life; because you never know when you may have to DIE, my friend [Luke 12.20]. Life on earth is very short whereas in Heaven or Hell it is going to be FOREVER [James 4.14], [Revelation 21.4], [Revelation 20.10]. So, Accept LORD JESUS as your personal SAVIOR now, to be SAVED and SAFE forever [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Never expect others to Appreciate or Encourage you; because most of the times there will be NONE, especially when you DO or trying to DO something Good. Those who Achieved, Achieve great things for GOD always Did, Do it only amidst their Lack and Inability, Trusting only in GOD, ignoring and bearing all their pains and problems which is nothing but the price they Paid, Pay for running that Extra mile for GOD [Mark 14.8]. So, WE all must Sacrifice or Pay a Price, if we Choose to Do something for GOD [2 Samuel 24.24]. Never wait for your Pains and Problems to get over before you start Doing something Good for GOD, because until WE DIE, there will Always be something or other demanding our immediate Attention and Action, Distracting and Deviating us from Doing what we are called to Do [Matthew 5.16]. No pain No gain. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
STOP trusting in men but GOD/BIBLE, which alone is Reliable and Foolproof [Matthew 5.18]. When we Trust in GOD and GOD alone, in order to let us know and make us understand, it is HIM and HIM alone, GOD often waits until Everyone whom we Trusted in, Walks away from our life or until we have used up all our human strength, source and smartness to come out of our Bondage and Captivities on our own, but in the end when we feel like Everything got failed and its all over, GOD walks into our Impossible situations almost always on the 59th minute, when we stand completely Helpless and Hopeless, to: Deliver, Save and Surprise us [Psalms 91.14-16]. FYI, as long as You put your total trust in GOD, No devil can defeat you because GOD is BIGGER than our Problems and GOD LOVES us very much Especially when we Believe in HIM [2 Peter 2.9]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Your Reaction to a Situation literally has the Power to Change the Situation itself. So, be very Careful about your: Gestures, Words, Deeds, Moves especially when you are: Angered, Betrayed, Cursed, Defamed, Insulted,..; Willfully or Wrongly, or When things begin to Fail, Hopes begin to Fade, because; You cannot Fail without your Consent; also you cannot Succeed without your Participation. So Your Reaction can Give or Take away the Life of any given Situation [Matthew 15.27], [Luke 7.7-10], [Matthew 9.20-22], [Acts 16.25-34]. GOD says Heaven and Earth will pass away but not HIS Words [Matthew 5.18]. So Choose to: Learn, Believe, Obey BIBLE and Do exactly what it says, in order to Receive what it Promises [Proverbs 18.21], [Luke 6.31], [Galatians 6.7-8]. FYI, what is not possible with man, is possible with GOD [Mark 10.27]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Rewards are for Participants, Not for Spectators. So, is the case with GOD [Galatians 6.7-8]. So, Stop being a Spectator. Become and be a PARTICIPANT in GOD's Kingdom today. There were three groups of people who followed JESUS when HE was on the face of the earth; 1. to SEE what was happening. 2. to Find FAULT with JESUS, 3. to RECEIVE a Miracle from JESUS/GOD. This is the case even today in CHURCHES, Everywhere. Either to SEE and time pass, to Find FAULT and gossip or to Receive from the LORD and Glorify HIM, by Witnessing for JESUS, bearing Good Fruits, Heaping Rewards and Treasures in Heaven [Galatians 5.22-23], [Matthew 5.16 & 6.20]. So, become a PARTICIPANT in GOD's Kingdom today and become a RECEIVER from the LORD, in order to be Blessed and be a Blessing to Many others out there. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Beloved, GOD created us and kept us here with a Unique purpose and message to this world [Matthew 25.14-46]. So, No: man, money, material, name, fame,.. is as important as GOD. We are all Answerable to GOD someday. Seek GOD/BIBLE today [Jeremiah 33.3] to Discover your Calling [Ephesians 4.11], fulfill it before too late [James 4.14]. Remember, the Day will come WE all Must stand before GOD without Fail and Individually give an account of our life we led on earth [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Revelation 22.11-12]. So, be prepared for that from now on [Proverbs 1.7]. Remember, GOD alone deserves our Utmost Priority in life Now and Forever and not the Creations around. STOP fearing and worshiping men/money but GOD [Matthew 6.24]. Love, Respect and Accept men but Trust, Fear and Worship GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
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